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  • Writer's pictureMatraca Beesley

Who's Ready for a Surprise???

Wow, it's been a while since I've written a post, let alone a life update post! I can't wait to share our big surprise for 2023!!

I'm so excited to share that in April we were blessed with a healthy baby girl, Raelynn, and we couldn't love her more. Riley absolutely adores being a big sister, and both girls are doing great! Riley is enjoying summer break and swim lessons, while Raelynn is just learning all the things babies learn. We're adjusting well as a family of four, while also navigating another calving season, too!

Speaking of calving season, this year we are grateful to have had a mostly smooth season, thus far. We've thankfully experienced less loss than last season (knock on wood), and thanks to much welcome rains, the grass is greening up and the cows and calves are looking wonderful. We are enjoying seeing the green this year, as last year it was very short lived. Praying it continues and aids the falls crops as they are planted and begin to grow!

This has also been a year for barrel cactus in our pastures to seemingly pop up everywhere, in full bloom! They are such pretty little things! One fun "game" we played with Riley while checking cows was counting how many cacti we'd see as we went along. In one pasture over the course of a few days, we counted over 400 barrel cacti! This one is my personal favorite, with its many blooms!

I'll try to do better with my updates, as well as sharing more recipes, too! I don't plan to do many giveaways or book reviews until Raelynn is a little older and we are more settled into a better routine, but updates and recipes I think I can handle!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5

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